Air Conditioner Repair & Service Specialists in Edwardsville, IL
Nobody ever wants to take on the summer heat inside their home without an air conditioner. Unfortunately, your air conditioning unit does not always agree with you and will stop working on you at the worst time. It is over 100 degrees and humid, and you know as every moment that passes the temperature in your house will start to rise, and the heat will cause members of the house to feel edgy and ill-tempered. However, this situation is avoidable. Call B & W Heating and Cooling 24-hour emergency line at 618-254-0645. We will always answer our valued customers in Edwardsville, Illinois. One of our trusted technicians will be out to service your A/C unit or recommend a new unit if yours is beyond repair.
Why Choose Us?
- Insured & Bonded
- 24/7 Emergency Service
- Professional Technicians
- Upfront Pricing
- Excellent Warranties
- Financing Available On New, Replacement Systems or Upgraded Equipment for Greater Efficiency
Air Conditioning Repair in Edwardsville Illinois
When your A/C unit breaks down, it is always a bad day. Call on B & W Heating & Cooling to have a professional come out and diagnose your problem. Once our staff identifies the issue, they will repair your air conditioner as quickly and efficiently as possible. Once your air conditioning repair is complete, our technician will discuss with you exactly what went wrong and can provide advice to make sure your unit continues to run like a champ.
Consider Air Conditioning Recharging and Maintenance
How do I prevent my air conditioner from going out? The simple answer is to have your air conditioner adequately recharged and maintained. Our team of highly-trained technicians will ensure all seasonal necessary maintenance is performed. One of the most common is to have the refrigerant recharged, which will help prevent your air conditioner from blowing warm air.Improving the Energy Efficiency of Your A/C Unit in Edwardsville, IL
You will start to see that another effect of routine tune-ups to your A/C unit is energy efficiency. While our technician tunes up your unit, they will run diagnostics to make sure everything runs as it should. Once the diagnostics come back and show your system is running normally, our technician will top off the fluids needed to continue running correctly. With this service, you will see the energy efficiency of your machine reflected in your energy bill.A/C Unit Installation Edwardsville Illinois
With so many different types of units available, do you know which one is best for you? Read below to find out:
- Split Systems are also known as duct systems. These units pump air up through ducts in your home.
- Rooftop Units are used for larger commercial locations. These units will pour out large amounts of cold air from higher and flows downward.
- Package systems are used in homes with exposed ductwork. Package systems work well in smaller homes that do not have a lot of space.
- Straight A/C Unit use refrigerant gas to remove the heat from your home and force it back outside.
Tune-Ups Are More Helpful Than People Realize in Edwardsville, IL
When one of our clients calls us to come out and tune-up their A/C system, our technician smiles on the inside. There are many benefits to regularly tuning up you’re A/C unit. You can feel secure that your system will not fail on the hottest day of the year because a professional will have caught and fixed any defects that could cause your unit to malfunction. Tune-ups also help improve your system’s energy efficiency and preserve your manufacturer’s warranty. Most people do not see that line in the small print.Need Home HVAC System Repairs? Call B & W at (618) 254-0654
At B & W, we’re proud to provide heating and cooling services for those in Edwardsville, IL and throughout the surrounding Metro East communities. Additionally, we understand that busted comfort systems are never a part of your plans, and we provide 24-hour emergency services to ensure you get the quality repairs you need without having to wait long. Additionally, don’t forget to ask about warranties on parts and labor that can maximize the value of your HVAC system. Contact us to schedule service.
Serving the 62095 zip code and all surrounding areas