A burning smell coming from the furnace in your Roxana, IL home is not always a cause for alarm. However, finding the source of the smell is extremely important. Once you know the cause of it, you can pinpoint whether you need to take further steps. The main two sources that will require your attention are burning plastic and an overheated blower motor. However, we have included a list of other things that can cause this burning smell to occur with your home’s furnace.
The smell of burning dust when you first turn on the furnace each year probably isn’t a reason to be fully concerned. However, if the smell begins to last for more than a few minutes, or if it begins to smell like burning plastic, then there is cause to investigate. Make sure you turn your system off right away to prevent any further damage from occurring. If you are in need of a furnace technician, give us at B & W Heating & Cooling a call today!