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Reasons Your Energy Bills Are High in Maryville, Illinois

why do you have high energy bills Maryville Illinois

Five Reasons for High Energy Bills

Do high energy bills have you tossing and turning at night? At B & W Heating & Cooling, we take calls from people like you every day, asking us why their energy bills have been increasing over the past year. So we’ve compiled 5 common reasons why your energy bills may be too high:

Direct Sunlight is Hitting Your Window A/C Units

a central air conditioner unit maryville illinoisInstalling window air conditioners on the shadiest side of a home where less sunlight strikes A/C units can potentially save homeowners several hundred dollars a year on summer cooling bills. Better yet, consider investing in central air conditioning from Goodman. Contact us today to learn more about the energy-reducing benefits of central A/C units.

Your Furnace is How Old?

Replacing older furnaces (before 1992) with energy-efficient heating systems can help reduce energy bills. Furnaces installed prior to 1992 have an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating of only 80 percent. Newer condensing furnaces offer AFUEs of 90 percent or higher.

Upgrade Thermostats

Relying on programmable thermostats to adjust your home’s temperature with a smartphone can save money for homeowners who work long hours. Using a smartphone integrated with programmable thermostats allows you to turn on heating or cooling appliances remotely and only when necessary.

Don’t Underestimate Ceiling Fans

Installing ceiling fans in larger rooms can reduce A/C and heating costs because ceiling fans push warm air down and circulate cooler air efficiently.

You Don’t Have a Whole House Humidifier

having a humidifier helps lower energy billsWhen running a whole-house humidifier, the cooling effect from water evaporating will help cool rooms to reduce A/C usage. Moisture added to your home’s air also reduces annoying static electricity while protecting furniture and hardwood floors from dehydrating and deteriorating quickly. Providing tips for increasing your home’s energy efficiency is just one of many ways we like to provide our Maryland, IL customers with the best heating and cooling maintenance and repair services available in the area. If you think your energy bills are too high, you could have multiple problems affecting your heating and cooling systems. Call B & W Heating & Cooling today to schedule a whole-home check of your HVAC systems.