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Tips for switching HVAC systems in the Metro-East Area

HVAC systems bethalto il
When the weather starts to cool down and you no longer need to use your air conditioner, it’s important to shut it down to maximize its lifespan. The unit needs to be properly prepared to ensure a long, efficiency lifespan. Here are some tips on deciding when to switch from cooling to heating and how to do it.

When to Switch

Air conditioning is mainly used on days when it’s too hot to simply deal with the heat, so it’s a good idea to stop using it when the weather starts to cool down a bit. If you don’t need your A/C, you’ll save money by turning it off before heating is a necessity. Shutting your A/C down yearly will also help it last for longer. Once you’ve shut your A/C down, you can fire your furnace up. It’s best to do this before you actually need to because there may be a problem when you fire your furnace up. If you fire up your furnace early and there’s a problem, you can get it fixed before it’s too cold outside. furnace clean n' check bethalto il

How to Switch

When you make the switch from cooling to heating in your Metro-Area home, you need to follow certain steps to make sure the process goes smoothly. First you’ll need to shut down your air conditioning unit, then you have to clean and dry all of the parts of the unit that are responsible for drainage. This makes sure nothing freezes and prevents future problems with your A/C. Putting a cover over your A/C is the final step in protecting it through the winter. After your A/C is shut down and the cold weather is approaching, you can fire up your heating system. Turn your thermostat up until the furnace turns on, then wait to see if there are any problems. If the furnace isn’t turning on or the air coming from the vents isn’t heated, call a technician for a heating tune-up.

A Simple Switch

It may sound like a lot to do, but simply preparing your A/C for the winter before you switch to heating for the winter is well worth the trouble. If you need help getting the A/C unit in your home dried out and ready for the winter, call B & W Heating and Cooling!