Fall is here, and this is the season to finally kick on your furnace after months of having it turned off. Some Godfrey, IL homeowners may be shocked to find that after all the time that has passed of having their furnace turned off that once they try to kick their furnace back on, it does not run. There can be many reasons why a furnace would break down when you need it the most. Here we will be discussing a couple of possible reasons why your furnace is not working and what you should do.
The worst mistake people make and what causes these issues, and more is not having your furnace maintained well enough. You need to have your furnace serviced annually to ensure that there are no leaks and that everything is operating as it should. Keep the lives of you and the ones you live with safe in your Godfrey, IL home by having your furnace serviced regularly.
If you are looking for an HVAC company that can service and clean your furnace in your Godfrey, IL home this fall, give our experts over at B & W Heating and Cooling a call today! Our technicians know how to fix a large selection of furnace makes, including ones manufactured by Bryant.