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6 Furnace Tune-Up Benefits to Start Now

furnace tune up alton illinois

Are You Ready for Winter? Here Are Some Tips to Make Sure Your Furnace Is.

Although it doesn’t yet feel like it outside, the heating season has begun here. That’s because we have started performing furnace tune-ups for our clients in order to get their homes ready for the upcoming heating season. Scheduling an annual furnace tune-up is essential for every home, even if you didn’t encounter any problems with your system last year. Today we’re going to explain why annual professional maintenance is so important for your family and your home by talking about six benefits of getting a furnace tune-up from B & W!

6 Benefits of Getting a Furnace Tune-Up From B & W Heating and Cooling

  1. It will ensure your furnace will operate safely. This benefit alone is reason enough to schedule a tune-up every year. Your furnace burns natural gas to produce heat, which means your home can be a safety hazard if your system malfunctions. During a tune-up, we’ll perform a full safety inspection and fix problems that might lead to safety issues down the line, such as carbon monoxide leaks and fire hazards.
  2. It will keep your system’s warranty intact. Most furnace warranties require you to have an annual tune-up performed on your system in order for the warranty to remain valid. That’s because furnace manufacturers understand how important annual tune-ups are to the performance and longevity of your system.
  3. It will save money on your heating bills. Many of the tasks that we perform during your furnace tune-up will increase the efficiency of your system. This means that your heating bills this winter will be much lower than they would have been if you skipped out on a tune-up.
  4. It will dramatically reduce the chance of your heat going out. If the heat goes out in your home in the middle of winter, your house will be extremely cold and it could put some of your family members in danger. Furnace tune-ups are as much about preventing future problems as they are about fixing existing problems, which is why a tune-up will make it unlikely that your home will be left without heat at any point this winter.
  5. It will avoid the need for repairs that could have been prevented. Furnaces that don’t have annual tune-ups are much more likely to experience performance problems or completely break down during winter. Not only would this be an inconvenience for you, but it would also force you to spend money on repairs that likely could have been prevented during a tune-up. The small amount of money you spend on a tune-up will greatly reduce the likelihood that you’ll have to spend money on repairs down the road.
  6. It will prevent long-term damage to your system. Scheduling annual tune-ups is one of the best ways to extend the life of your furnace. That’s because we perform tasks like cleaning your system, lubricating moving parts, and checking connections that will keep all of your system’s parts in good working condition.

If you have any questions about the benefits of a furnace tune-up, or if you’d like a heating system serviced or installed in your home, contact B & W Heating and Cooling. We provide service to our neighbors in Wood River, Glen Carbon, Edwardsville, and the Greater Metro East.